The Progress Journal for BDA503 Data Analytics

WEEK 1 (Oct 3, 2018)

Welcome to GitHub Pages

You can use the editor on GitHub to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files.

WEEK 2 (Oct 17, 2018)

Assignment Week-2 Using R-markdown to publish html file (creating new files, then copy-paste action of HTML codes)


Assignment Week-2 Using R-markdown to publish html file (uploading HTML file with creating branch under master file)


WEEK 3 (Oct 31, 2018)

Assignment Week-3 Using dplyr functions (standardizing & merging data) via ODD (Otomotiv Distribütörleri Derneği) retail sales of Nov.2017 dataset

HTML file (Link) Excel file (Link) RMD file (Link) RDS file (Link)

EGM Class Work (Nov 01, 2018)

WEEK 4 (Nov 14, 2018)

ODD Assignment Part2 to collect data and to use shiny and reticulate packages (interactive dashboards).

RMD file (Link) HTML file (Link)