The Progress Journal for BDA503 Data Analytics
WEEK 1 (Oct 3, 2018)
Welcome to GitHub Pages
You can use the editor on GitHub to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files.
WEEK 2 (Oct 17, 2018)
Assignment Week-2 Using R-markdown to publish html file (creating new files, then copy-paste action of HTML codes)
Assignment Week-2 Using R-markdown to publish html file (uploading HTML file with creating branch under master file)
WEEK 3 (Oct 31, 2018)
Assignment Week-3 Using dplyr functions (standardizing & merging data) via ODD (Otomotiv Distribütörleri Derneği) retail sales of Nov.2017 dataset
HTML file (Link) Excel file (Link) RMD file (Link) RDS file (Link)