The Progress Journal

Final Week (January 10)

Here is my final examination PDF file: Link

Week 5 (Nov 20)

I’ve studied Dplyr recap file, which you can find here. You can find results of final exercises here.
I was able to solve questions before Final Exercises, but didn’t store them for Progress Journal.

Week 3 (Oct 24)

I’ve finished HW2. You can find my work here. I should practice more visualization.

Week 3 (Oct 23)

I’ve finished 20% of Udacity course, Data Analysis with R. I’m at Lesson 3, “Explore One Variable”.

Week 2.5 (Oct 17)

Today we’ve built our project group. We haven’t decided on a name and our dataset yet. The group members are below.

Week 2 (Oct 15)

Udacity Update

I’ve finished Lesson 1 & 2 on the Udacity course.

Git Problem Solved

Since there is Github Desktop available for Ubuntu, I had to find another solution in order to submit HW1. First I’ve found that GitKraken is a common Git Client for Linux. Secondly, I’ve faced a permission problem related to my account & Github Class. Therefore I’ve forked classroom files into my own account, and then pulled&changed&commit&pushed to my own account and lastly submit a pull request to my classroom. With this workaround, I can make changes locally and sync with classroom account without any problem. Today’s gain is that I’ve learnt forking, pushing, pulling and merging using Github.