R Junkies Progress Journal

This page is progress journal for R Junkies group.

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Group Project

You can find the latest version of our group project below:
R_Junkies Group Project

Week 5 (Nov 20)

Reviewing Group Name: Rjunkies Reviewed Group Name: NYC

Project Description: Find the bus lines with the highest and lowest deviation from the regular schedule in New York City

Dataset: Dataset is from the NYC MTA buses data stream service. Dataset contain 24 for variable;In roughly 10 minute increments the bus location, route, bus stop and more is included in each row. Data for the entire month of June 2017 is included.

Appropriateness: Dataset is completely appropriate with project aim. Dataset includes expected and scheduled arrival times of buses. Also dataset is fairly large, reproducible and not confidental.

Proposed Project Flow: They are not proposed project flow yet.

Analysis Suggestion: We suggest that;

  1. Calculating correlation with deviation from the regular schedule and distance from stop
  2. Is deviation is effected by vehicle type (we suppose that Vehicle ref reflect vehicle type)
  3. Are density of lines predictable; if yes; Do deviation is correlated with lines and line density

Week 5 (Nov 13)

We’ve decided to add new datasets to our project. They will help answering various questions.

Week 4 (Nov 7)

OSYM Data is updated to v2. With new data, We see that General_quota type is changed from integer to character. You can find the third analysis here.

We learned how to pass variable to ggplot.

Week 3 (Oct 29)

Update:Due to UTF-8 problem. Github doesn’t allow to update proposal page.Problem is solved. [Updated:31/10/2017]

Our dataset is Airplane Crash from 1908 to 2017. Here you can find our project proposal.

Week 3 (Oct 26)

We made major mistakes in wording and visualizations during class time. We’ve fixed them and also solved the UTF-8 Turkish Character problem. You can find the second analysis here.

Week 3 (Oct 24)

Now we call ourselves “R Junkies”. We’ve started working on OSYM dataset. You can find the initial analysis here.

Week 2.5 (Oct 17)

Today we’ve built our project group. We haven’t decided on a name and our dataset yet. The group members are below.