BDA 503 Fall 2023

Week 7

Guest Lecture: Onur Karadeli - Director of Digital Transformation and Data Analytics at OYAK Indisol

Project presentations!

Week 6

Guest Lecture: Eda Ocak - Partner at ThinkNeuro

This week’s lecture is about introduction to Operations Research and, if time permits, introduction to machine learning. Operations Research is both an historical and an emerging field of AI.

OR Assignment - Examine a Case (Deadline: Jan 4, 23:59)

In this individual assignment you are asked to choose a real life case study solved with Operations Research and briefly describe it with your own words.

Week 5

Guest Lecture: Barbaros Yet - Associate Professor at Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Informatics

This week’s lecture is more about some intermediate topics about data processing/manipulation. We will mainly learn about joins, long/wide tables. In addition, if time permits, some data parsing from web site sources.

Week 4

Guest Lecture: Burak Yitgin - Business Development Manager and Senior Consultant at APLUS Enerji

This week’s lecture is focused on Shiny, an R package to develop interactive dashboards and web pages. Shiny is also available for Python, so what you learn here is transferrable to Python.

Additional resources

In-Class Exercise (Individual)

Build a shiny app using your proposed data sets in Assignment 1 and deploy it to Add a link to your Shiny app in your Progress Journal as In-class assignment 3.

Week 3

Guest Lecture: Ahmet Tunçel - Senior Data Architect Manager at Sky Deutschland GmbH

In-Class Exercise (Individual)

Update your analysis using both dplyr and ggplot2 on your proposed data sets in Assignment 1. Open a new .qmd document named inclass2.qmd and make it visible on your PJ (update _quarto.yml file). (DO NOT TOUCH inclass1.qmd)

Group Assignment (Tentative) Deadline: Nov 23, 18:30

Global Dietary Database provides a wealth of data regarding nutrition intake of a large number of countries. Your assignment is to prepare a brief exploratory data analysis on Vitamin B12 intake of Former Soviet Union countries using dplyr and ggplot2. Relevant subset and explanations are given in the below links.

Week 2

  • Turkish dplyr R resource: Eskişehir R User Group
  • Exercise on basic Stock Fundamentals data. Run the following code to get the data.
library(tidyverse) ## or library(dplyr)
tf <- tempfile()
f_df <- readRDS(tf)

f_df %>% glimpse() 
In-Class Exercise (Individual)

Prepare three simple but striking analyses using dplyr on your proposed data sets in Assignment 1. Open a new .qmd document named inclass1.qmd and make it visible on your PJ (update _quarto.yml file).

Week 1

RMarkdown/Quarto Assignment (Deadline Oct 26, 18:30): This is your first assignment.

  1. Prepare a Quarto (.qmd) document.
  2. Introduce yourself in one paragraph (Your name surname, your work, your data interests and how you (plan to) use data science skills in your current/future work). Add your Linkedin account link.
  3. Watch some demo and tutorial videos from Posit Youtube channel playlist and write one of them down on your Quarto document.
  4. Propose a dataset (provide a link to source) which we should use in the class for demonstration and teaching purposes. Briefly explain the educational value of the dataset.
  5. Find 3 R posts relevant to your interests and describe them. Get the html output and put it in your progress journal repository.
  6. Provide a link from your Progress Journal page.

Example Progress Journals from previous year: Berk Özcan - Uğur Özata - Mehmet Kemal Ucuzcu

Week 0

This course benefits from DataCamp for the Classroom program. See details here.

Some light reading (blog posts)

This semester course webpage went under a significant refurbishment. Course archive is in another repository.