This part explains classification and regression trees, following the work of Breiman et al. (there is a copy at the library). Although there are other and improved versions, we cover CART because it is important to understand fundamentals. The R package rpart also follows the same study to construct trees.

We are going to use the following packages. Install those packages (use install.packages("packagenamehere")), if you haven’t already.

library(tidyverse) #For data manipulation
library(rpart) #To construct CART models
library(rpart.plot) # It also includes titanic data
library(rattle) #For visualization

Example Problem (Titanic Deaths/Survivors)

The problem Suppose we would like to correctly identify each survivor in Titanic accident just by looking at some traits such as passenger class, sex and age.

Bonus: A version of this example can be found on Kaggle as a tutorial! Check it out from this link.

set.seed(58) #Set the random seed
data(ptitanic) #Call the data

titanic_data <-
ptitanic %>%
select(survived,pclass,sex,age) %>% #Select only required columns
mutate(age=as.numeric(age)) %>% #This is a fix, just for this data set
filter(complete.cases(.)) %>% #Remove all NA including rows
#Split the data into train and test
mutate(train_test = ifelse(runif(nrow(.)) < 0.25,"test","train")) %>%

## # A tibble: 1,046 x 5
##    survived pclass    sex     age train_test
##      <fctr> <fctr> <fctr>   <dbl>      <chr>
##  1 survived    1st female 29.0000      train
##  2 survived    1st   male  0.9167       test
##  3     died    1st female  2.0000      train
##  4     died    1st   male 30.0000      train
##  5     died    1st female 25.0000      train
##  6 survived    1st   male 48.0000      train
##  7 survived    1st female 63.0000       test
##  8     died    1st   male 39.0000      train
##  9 survived    1st female 53.0000      train
## 10     died    1st   male 71.0000      train
## # ... with 1,036 more rows
#Build the model with the training data
titanic_train <- titanic_data %>% filter(train_test == "train") %>% select(-train_test)
titanic_model <- rpart(survived ~ ., data=titanic_train)

Classification and Regression Trees (CART)

CART algorithm is a very convenient and easy to interpret method to partition data in a meaningful way with binary splits (i.e. \(x > A\) and \(x \le A\)). Both regression and classification trees aim to minimize the error (misclassification).

Error rate for regression trees is the squared distance (very similar to linear regression) of each item in the node to the average response (\(\hat{Y_k}\)) value of the node. Suppose there are \(K\) final nodes, each group’s response variable is defined as \(\hat{Y_k} = \dfrac{1}{N_k}\sum_{i \in G_k} y_i\). So the final objective function to minimize is as follows.

\[\min \sum_{k}^K (\min_{i \in G_k} (y_i - \hat{Y_k})^2) + \alpha |K| \]

The complexity parameter \(\alpha\) is used as a balancer between the number of final nodes and total error. If \(\alpha = 0\) then each node will consist of a single item to minimize error.

In classification, it is a bit different. For the sake of simplicity, assume binary classification (0 or 1). A node’s class (C_k) is determined by majority. \(C_k = \argmax_{0,1}\{N_{0,k}, N_{1,k}\}\). We also calculate the quality (or probability) of correct classification with \(\hat{p}_{(C_k,k)} = \dfrac{1}{N_k} \sum_{i \in G_k} I(y_i = C_k)\) (proportion of correct class items). For binary clasification we can simply say \(\hat{p}_k\).

There are three types of error: misclassification, Gini index and cross-entropy.

ps. rpart uses Gini index to measure error.

Out-of-sample Analysis

Fitting the model and getting good results is fine. But, if it cannot predict response values outside the training data, then your model overfits.

## In sample prediction classification results
titanic_in_sample <- predict(titanic_model)

##         died  survived
## 1 0.06358382 0.9364162
## 2 0.06358382 0.9364162
## 3 0.83690987 0.1630901
## 4 0.06358382 0.9364162
## 5 0.83690987 0.1630901
## 6 0.83690987 0.1630901
in_sample_prediction <-
    titanic_in_sample %>% tbl_df %>%
        transmute(survived_predict = ifelse(survived >= 0.5,1,0)),
    titanic_train %>% tbl_df %>%
        transmute(survived_actual = ifelse(survived == "survived",1,0))
) %>%
mutate(correct_class = (survived_predict == survived_actual)) %>%
group_by(correct_class) %>%

## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   correct_class count percentage
##           <lgl> <int>      <dbl>
## 1         FALSE   146  0.1843434
## 2          TRUE   646  0.8156566
titanic_test <- titanic_data %>% filter(train_test=="test") %>% select(-train_test)
titanic_predict <- predict(titanic_model,newdata=titanic_test)
##         died  survived
## 1 0.00000000 1.0000000
## 2 0.06358382 0.9364162
## 3 0.83690987 0.1630901
## 4 0.83690987 0.1630901
## 5 0.83690987 0.1630901
## 6 0.06358382 0.9364162
out_of_sample_prediction <-
    titanic_predict %>% tbl_df %>%
        transmute(survived_predict = ifelse(survived >= 0.5,1,0)),
    titanic_test %>% tbl_df %>%
        transmute(survived_actual = ifelse(survived == "survived",1,0))
) %>%
mutate(correct_class = (survived_predict == survived_actual)) %>%
group_by(correct_class) %>%

## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   correct_class count percentage
##           <lgl> <int>      <dbl>
## 1         FALSE    56  0.2204724
## 2          TRUE   198  0.7795276

Model Parameters

You can improve the model with these extra properties.

        minsplit = 20, #Min # of items that should be in a node to do a split
        minbucket = round(minsplit/3), #Minimum number of items in a final node
        cp = 0.01, #Complexity parameter (min improvement to generate a split)
        maxcompete = 4, #Not related to model. Some printout for analyses
        maxsurrogate = 5, #Used to deal with missing values
        usesurrogate = 2, #Used to deal with missing values
        xval = 10, #Number of cross validations
        surrogatestyle = 0, #Used to deal with missing values
        maxdepth = 30 #Tree depth

Comparison with Logistic Regression

titanic_logit_model <- glm(survived ~ ., data=titanic_train,family=binomial(link = "logit"))
titanic_probit_model <- glm(survived ~ ., data=titanic_train,family=binomial(link = "probit"))

titanic_logit_in_sample <- predict(titanic_logit_model,type="response")

titanic_logit_in_sample_prediction <-
data.frame(in_sample=(titanic_logit_in_sample >= 0.5)*1,
            actual=(titanic_train$survived == "survived")*1) %>%
            mutate(correct_class= (in_sample == actual)) %>%
            group_by(correct_class) %>%

## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   correct_class count percentage
##           <lgl> <int>      <dbl>
## 1         FALSE   169  0.2133838
## 2          TRUE   623  0.7866162
titanic_logit_out_of_sample <- predict(titanic_logit_model,newdata=titanic_test,type="response")

titanic_logit_out_of_sample_prediction <-
data.frame(out_of_sample=(titanic_logit_out_of_sample >= 0.5)*1,
            actual=(titanic_test$survived == "survived")*1) %>%
            mutate(correct_class= (out_of_sample == actual)) %>%
            group_by(correct_class) %>%

## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   correct_class count percentage
##           <lgl> <int>      <dbl>
## 1         FALSE    59  0.2322835
## 2          TRUE   195  0.7677165
titanic_probit_in_sample <- predict(titanic_probit_model,type="response")

titanic_probit_in_sample_prediction <-
data.frame(in_sample=(titanic_probit_in_sample >= 0.5)*1,
            actual=(titanic_train$survived == "survived")*1) %>%
            mutate(correct_class= (in_sample == actual)) %>%
            group_by(correct_class) %>%

## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   correct_class count percentage
##           <lgl> <int>      <dbl>
## 1         FALSE   166   0.209596
## 2          TRUE   626   0.790404
titanic_probit_out_of_sample <- predict(titanic_probit_model,newdata=titanic_test,type="response")

titanic_probit_out_of_sample_prediction <-
data.frame(out_of_sample=(titanic_probit_out_of_sample >= 0.5)*1,
            actual=(titanic_test$survived == "survived")*1) %>%
            mutate(correct_class= (out_of_sample == actual)) %>%
            group_by(correct_class) %>%

## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   correct_class count percentage
##           <lgl> <int>      <dbl>
## 1         FALSE    60  0.2362205
## 2          TRUE   194  0.7637795


Let’s see all analyses together. Keep in mind that we did not do any external cross-validation (it would be good exercise).

complete_benchmark <- data.frame(
    model = c("CART","Logistic Reg. - Logit Link","Logistic Reg. - Probit Link"),
    in_sample_accuracy = c(
        in_sample_prediction %>% filter(correct_class) %>% transmute(round(percentage,4)) %>% unlist(),
        titanic_logit_in_sample_prediction %>% filter(correct_class) %>% transmute(round(percentage,4)) %>% unlist(),
        titanic_probit_in_sample_prediction %>% filter(correct_class) %>% transmute(round(percentage,4)) %>% unlist()
    out_of_sample_accuracy = c(
        out_of_sample_prediction %>% filter(correct_class) %>% transmute(round(percentage,4)) %>% unlist(),
        titanic_logit_out_of_sample_prediction %>% filter(correct_class) %>% transmute(round(percentage,4)) %>% unlist(),
        titanic_probit_out_of_sample_prediction %>% filter(correct_class) %>% transmute(round(percentage,4)) %>% unlist()


##                         model in_sample_accuracy out_of_sample_accuracy
## 1                        CART             0.8157                 0.7795
## 2  Logistic Reg. - Logit Link             0.7866                 0.7677
## 3 Logistic Reg. - Probit Link             0.7904                 0.7638
