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Course Essentials

Group Projects

Week 7 (Dec 30, 2020)

Guest Lecture Önder Akar CEO at smartPulse Technologies


Week 6 (Dec 16, 2020)

Guest lecture by Pınar Dursun, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Sloan Kettering Institute & Umut Gündüz, Quant at a NYC fintech startup.

In Class Exercise: Check the NYC Airbnb Data Kaggle Page for notebooks applying machine learning algorithms to the data. Pick one notebook, give the link, and explain the process steps on your Progress Journals (you do not need to write code).

Assignment 3 (individual) (Due Date: Dec 24, 2020 23:59) These are 3 individual data sets / assignments. You may do all of them, but choose one to report. Add the assignment to your individual Progress Journals. If you add more than one assignment to your PJ, state the one you want to be graded. (p.s. Those data sets are popular on internet. If you find an inspiration, please state it in a references section with links.)


Week 5 (Dec 2, 2020)

Guest Lecture Cem Vardar Senior Director, Decision Support Systems at Carvana

Week 4 (Nov 18, 2020)

Group Assignment: ISBIKE Data (Due Date: November 29, 2020 23:59)

isbike is the bike sharing service of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. This assignment requires you to take a snapshot of isbike station data and prepare an informative Shiny app with it.

Week 3 (Nov 4, 2020)

In-Class Exercise (Bonus) (Due Date: Nov 4, 2020 21:30)

This exercise will provide up to 5% bonus to your final grades. You are required to present a brief summary report on Istanbul’s property market using official statistics. Your report should not be long but it should tell a good story. You are expected to use your dplyr & ggplot2 skills and present an HTML output generated by RMarkdown. It is highly recommended that you do the Datacamp or relevant reading before the lecture.

Assignment: Electricity Market Prices (Due Date: Nov 12, 2020)

Week 2 (Oct 19, 2020)

Guest Lecture Kadir Malak Software Engineer at

dplyr has undergone significant changes in version 1.0.0. You might want to update. See all changes from this link.

Week 1 (Oct 7, 2020)

Week 0

This course benefits from DataCamp for the Classroom program. See details here.

Course Archive


Data Sets for Prospective Projects,6552/sureli-yayinlar.html

Extra Materials

For audiovisual learners, some webinars here.






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