Week4 (November 14, 2018)

We learned about shiny and reticulate packages. shiny is useful to create interactive dashboards on web browsers.

ODD Assignment Part2: We collect all period in one dataset. And make some analyses in this dataset. My study is here: ODD car sales analysis (Part2)

Week3 (October 31, 2018)

Data analysis and visulisation group workout (Ömer BAYIR, Salih UÇAR) with tidyverse package on EGM dataset is here

Week2 (October 17, 2018)

We learned data manipulation in R with dplyr package . Some of useful functions in dplyr packages are : select, filter, arrenge, mutate, transmute, groupby, summarise, lead,lag,slice, gather, spread. We tried to do some exercises in lesson. An homework is assigned to us.

ODD June 2018 car sales analysis

My R data file for the term 2018 June is here :

Week1 (October 03, 2018)

We learned main subjects in R. These are vectors,matrix,list, data frames.During lesson, we tried individually what we learnt. As first homework I have created my first Rmarkdown document. You can achieve it below link:

Rmarkdown Example