I am working as Agile Coach in İş Bank. My mission is to lead team understand Agile and implement disciplines of agile frameworks like Scrum and Kanban. My data interest begin when i try to calculate, present organization and team metrics for insights about continious improvement . Near future i want to present metrics more professional way.
Since we are learning both R and Python, and it is told that data engineer work with both languages the subject “Combining R and Python with GraalVM” seemed interesting for me.
GraalVM is a virtual machine for running applications written in JavScript, Python, Ruby, R, JVM based languages. GraalVM has two editions, Community eddition and Enterprice Edition. Community Edition is free and valable on github. GraalVm architecture in build on the Hotspot JVM. as a very simple start here is the syntax x <- eval.polyglot(‘ruby’, ‘[1,2,3]’) print(x[[1]]) here is how to use R object in Python
export R obect export(‘robj’, c(1,2,3))
eval.polyglot(language=‘python’, path=‘python_ex.py’)
here is python_ex.py
rvalue = polyglot.import_value(“robj”)
print(“Python:”, len(rvalue))
here rvalue is R vector, not a Python object. Also most of python functionality works with this foreign object.
Actually as a team (agile) coach there is no R posts about agile. But as i told one of my operations is to determine team metrics and visualize them. so i decided to watch data visualization posts
In the video dashboard is made by Rmarkdown but by choosing from template “flex dashboard”. when you choose this after title output is like below. you can choose " theme (below this cerulan), orientation can be “rows” or “column” .when you choose “rows” dashboard elements will be side by side, to make new row is explained below. besides all these you can use all Rmardown knowledge. in your code you must inlclude library(flexdashboard).
to to make a box in dashboard
to make new row
row ———————
orientation: rows
vertical_layout: fill
Shiny is a framework to build interactive web applications on R. Shiny can be integrated to Rmarkdown easily. In this video basic concepts of shiny such as user inputs and rendering outputs in a single file in Rmarkdown. in video to build these steps are told in a very easy way ;these steps are “setting shiny runtime”, “selecting input”, “prining input value”, “utilize slider input”, “creating boxes andradi buttons”, “render text” and “display data” . video explains basics of shiny in a very easy examples, and my opinin is shiny is a very powerfull library and has easy sytax . in my future project i think i will use this library for interactive Rmarkdown files
working on it…..