1. Datacamp

    This website is for learning basics of data analysis by manipulating common data structures such as vectors, matrices and data frames.

  2. QuickR This website is for experienced users of other statistical packages (e.g., SAS, SPSS, Stata) who would like to transition to R.

  3. [100 FREE TUTORIALS FOR LEARNING R] (http://www.listendata.com/p/r-programming-tutorials.html) Tutorials are listed which are ideal for beginners to advanced in this website.

  4. Introduction to gghighlight This is a good example for using gghighlight package with highlighting ggplot’s lines and pointing with predicates.

  5. [Dive into data] (https://www.blog.cultureofinsight.com/2017/10/when-it-rains-it-pours/) This blog shows visualisation of an open data set by making charts, data series and mapping.