1. Visualizing Data with R

    This site gives some interesting examples about visualizing data with r using lattice package, ggplot2 package and challanges of them.

  2. SQL and R

    In the article, it is mentioned that by using RSQLite, SQLDF and RJDBC packages, leveraging SQL skills whether accessing external data or simply cleaning, filtering and modifying data already loaded is possible.

  3. Why R is Hard to Learn

    It is interesting to learn the disadvantages of R. As it is mentioned in the article “R has a reputation of being hard to learn”, this article may help people to learn R easily.

  4. Solving Simple Probability Problems with Simulation in R

    There is a good starting problem about simple probability problems which will be solved by using R.

  5. Creating maps in R using ggplot2 and maps libraries

    There is a good explanantion on creating world map showing the points of Beijing and Shanghai using maps, mapdata and ggplot2 libraries. Using maps is one of the best ways of visualisation.