## Warning: package 'knitr' was built under R version 3.3.3
  1. Data Visualization with Flexdashboard

    This page is about to how to visualize your work in R with flexdashboard package. It may easy to understand the results of a some code on the R console for the one who made it but business users or others who are interested in the results need to see some graphical information to understand what is going on. Also storytelling become more and more important every day for the analists and decision makers so this package make this process easy for them.

  2. datascience+

    This page is a website of an online community for showcasing R & Python tutorials. It operates as a networking platform for data scientists to promote their talent and get hired. Our mission is to empower data scientists by bridging the gap between talent and opportunity.

  3. r-bloggers

    R-Bloggers is about empowering bloggers to empower other R users. This site will aggregate feeds from participating R blogs. The beginnings of each participating blog’s posts will automatically be displayed on the main page; inside every post there is a link to the original blog and links to other related articles.

  4. Medical Appointment No Shows

    What if that possible to predict someone to no-show an appointment? No-show is very important for every service sector. For public healt services, this information is vital. This R notebook is a good example for how to explore the data to check for missing values/erroneous entries and also comment on redundant features and add additional ones.

  5. Human Resources Analytics

    This R notebook covers analysis and approach through different process flows in the data science pipeline, which includes statistical inference and exploratory data analysis.At the end of the work, a recommendation for a retention plan was created, which incorporates some best practices for employee retention at different risk levels of attrition.