## Warning: package 'knitr' was built under R version 3.4.2
    <<<<<<< HEAD:files/donmezmu_homework_1.html
  1. Data Science with R

    In this article by Matthias Templ, author of the book Simulation for Data Science with R, we will cover:

    • What is meant bydata science

    • A short overview of what Ris

    • The essential tools for a data scientist in R

  2. Deep Learning in R

    Example of Deep Learning in R

  3. Proportional Hazard in R with SimPH

    Example showing the results of Cox from the Proportional Hazard Models in SimPH and R

  4. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis

    An example showing how we can use various cluster analysis techniques to explore the relationship with the distance matrix

  5. Bayesian Classification with Gaussian Process

    An article describing Bayesian Classification by Gauss

  6. =======
  7. Exploring Survival on the Titanic

    This example is important because it is an R Notebook on Titanic data set. Titanic is considered as one of the Data Science 101 data set and this notebook provides a good exploratory data analysis. It is also a Kaggle Kernel, which is a very good source for this kind of example R codes. The notebook also covers feature engineering, missing data imputation and modeling.

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