Assignment I

This document is prepared for assignment.

Test I:

## -- Attaching packages ---------------------------------- tidyverse 1.2.1 --
## <U+221A> ggplot2 2.2.1     <U+221A> purrr   0.2.4
## <U+221A> tibble  1.3.4     <U+221A> dplyr   0.7.4
## <U+221A> tidyr   0.7.2     <U+221A> stringr 1.2.0
## <U+221A> readr   1.1.1     <U+221A> forcats 0.2.0
## -- Conflicts ------------------------------------- tidyverse_conflicts() --
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
diamonds_test <- diamonds %>% mutate(diamond_id = row_number()) %>% 
    group_by(cut, color, clarity) %>% sample_frac(0.2) %>% ungroup()

diamonds_train <- anti_join(diamonds %>% mutate(diamond_id = row_number()), 
    diamonds_test, by = "diamond_id")

## # A tibble: 43,143 x 11
##    carat       cut color clarity depth table price     x     y     z
##    <dbl>     <ord> <ord>   <ord> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1  0.23     Ideal     E     SI2  61.5    55   326  3.95  3.98  2.43
##  2  0.21   Premium     E     SI1  59.8    61   326  3.89  3.84  2.31
##  3  0.23      Good     E     VS1  56.9    65   327  4.05  4.07  2.31
##  4  0.29   Premium     I     VS2  62.4    58   334  4.20  4.23  2.63
##  5  0.24 Very Good     J    VVS2  62.8    57   336  3.94  3.96  2.48
##  6  0.24 Very Good     I    VVS1  62.3    57   336  3.95  3.98  2.47
##  7  0.26 Very Good     H     SI1  61.9    55   337  4.07  4.11  2.53
##  8  0.22      Fair     E     VS2  65.1    61   337  3.87  3.78  2.49
##  9  0.23 Very Good     H     VS1  59.4    61   338  4.00  4.05  2.39
## 10  0.30      Good     J     SI1  64.0    55   339  4.25  4.28  2.73
## # ... with 43,133 more rows, and 1 more variables: diamond_id <int>

Test 2:

## # A tibble: 10,797 x 11
##    carat   cut color clarity depth table price     x     y     z
##    <dbl> <ord> <ord>   <ord> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1  3.40  Fair     D      I1  66.8    52 15964  9.42  9.34  6.27
##  2  0.90  Fair     D     SI2  64.7    59  3205  6.09  5.99  3.91
##  3  0.95  Fair     D     SI2  64.4    60  3384  6.06  6.02  3.89
##  4  1.00  Fair     D     SI2  65.2    56  3634  6.27  6.21  4.07
##  5  0.70  Fair     D     SI2  58.1    60  2358  5.79  5.82  3.37
##  6  1.04  Fair     D     SI2  64.9    56  4398  6.39  6.34  4.13
##  7  0.70  Fair     D     SI2  65.6    55  2167  5.59  5.50  3.64
##  8  1.03  Fair     D     SI2  66.4    56  3743  6.31  6.19  4.15
##  9  1.10  Fair     D     SI2  64.6    54  4725  6.56  6.49  4.22
## 10  2.01  Fair     D     SI2  59.4    66 15627  8.20  8.17  4.86
## # ... with 10,787 more rows, and 1 more variables: diamond_id <int>


##      carat               cut        color        clarity     
##  Min.   :0.2000   Fair     : 1610   D: 6775   SI1    :13065  
##  1st Qu.:0.4000   Good     : 4906   E: 9797   VS2    :12258  
##  Median :0.7000   Very Good:12082   F: 9542   SI2    : 9194  
##  Mean   :0.7979   Premium  :13791   G:11292   VS1    : 8171  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0400   Ideal    :21551   H: 8304   VVS2   : 5066  
##  Max.   :5.0100                     I: 5422   VVS1   : 3655  
##                                     J: 2808   (Other): 2531  
##      depth           table           price             x         
##  Min.   :43.00   Min.   :43.00   Min.   :  326   Min.   : 0.000  
##  1st Qu.:61.00   1st Qu.:56.00   1st Qu.:  950   1st Qu.: 4.710  
##  Median :61.80   Median :57.00   Median : 2401   Median : 5.700  
##  Mean   :61.75   Mean   :57.46   Mean   : 3933   Mean   : 5.731  
##  3rd Qu.:62.50   3rd Qu.:59.00   3rd Qu.: 5324   3rd Qu.: 6.540  
##  Max.   :79.00   Max.   :95.00   Max.   :18823   Max.   :10.740  
##        y                z         
##  Min.   : 0.000   Min.   : 0.000  
##  1st Qu.: 4.720   1st Qu.: 2.910  
##  Median : 5.710   Median : 3.530  
##  Mean   : 5.735   Mean   : 3.539  
##  3rd Qu.: 6.540   3rd Qu.: 4.040  
##  Max.   :58.900   Max.   :31.800  

Data Type:

## Observations: 53,940
## Variables: 10
## $ carat   <dbl> 0.23, 0.21, 0.23, 0.29, 0.31, 0.24, 0.24, 0.26, 0.22, ...
## $ cut     <ord> Ideal, Premium, Good, Premium, Good, Very Good, Very G...
## $ color   <ord> E, E, E, I, J, J, I, H, E, H, J, J, F, J, E, E, I, J, ...
## $ clarity <ord> SI2, SI1, VS1, VS2, SI2, VVS2, VVS1, SI1, VS2, VS1, SI...
## $ depth   <dbl> 61.5, 59.8, 56.9, 62.4, 63.3, 62.8, 62.3, 61.9, 65.1, ...
## $ table   <dbl> 55, 61, 65, 58, 58, 57, 57, 55, 61, 61, 55, 56, 61, 54...
## $ price   <int> 326, 326, 327, 334, 335, 336, 336, 337, 337, 338, 339,...
## $ x       <dbl> 3.95, 3.89, 4.05, 4.20, 4.34, 3.94, 3.95, 4.07, 3.87, ...
## $ y       <dbl> 3.98, 3.84, 4.07, 4.23, 4.35, 3.96, 3.98, 4.11, 3.78, ...
## $ z       <dbl> 2.43, 2.31, 2.31, 2.63, 2.75, 2.48, 2.47, 2.53, 2.49, ...

Carat vs Price:

  ggtitle('Diamond price vs. carat')

Cut vs Price:

qplot(x = price, data = diamonds) + facet_wrap(~cut, scales = "free")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

Welcome to Anova:

foranova<- as.formula(price ~ carat + cut + color + clarity + depth + table + x + y + z)

anova<- rpart(foranova, data=diamonds, method= "anova" )
## n= 53940 
## node), split, n, deviance, yval
##       * denotes terminal node
##  1) root 53940 858473100000  3932.800  
##    2) carat< 0.995 34880  43459420000  1632.641  
##      4) y< 5.535 24951   6860691000  1058.546 *
##      5) y>=5.535 9929   7710112000  3075.309 *
##    3) carat>=0.995 19060 292761600000  8142.115  
##      6) y< 7.195 12884  60679350000  6137.844  
##       12) clarity=I1,SI2,SI1,VS2 9804  20256360000  5397.093 *
##       13) clarity=VS1,VVS2,VVS1,IF 3080  17919640000  8495.739 *
##      7) y>=7.195 6176  72354930000 12323.300  
##       14) y< 7.815 3945  33996520000 10899.960  
##         28) clarity=I1,SI2 954   3380193000  8375.178 *
##         29) clarity=SI1,VS2,VS1,VVS2,VVS1,IF 2991  22595360000 11705.260  
##           58) color=H,I,J 1554   5588830000 10014.970 *
##           59) color=D,E,F,G 1437   7765314000 13533.160 *
##       15) y>=7.815 2231  16233830000 14840.160 *

Something Visual:

rpart.plot(anova, type=3, digits=2)


predictt<- predict(anova, diamonds)
#i can't write predict it turns to matrix (flying numbers)

Thank you!