## [1] 7
## [1] 1000
min(netflix$user.rating.score, na.rm = T)
## [1] 55
netflix %>% filter(user.rating.score == 55)
##             title rating
## 1 Life Unexpected  TV-PG
## 2  Curious George      G
##                                                          ratingLevel
## 1 Parental guidance suggested. May not be suitable for all children.
## 2                          General Audiences. Suitable for all ages.
##   ratingDescription release.year user.rating.score user.rating.size
## 1                70         2010                55               80
## 2                35         2006                55               80
netflix %>% filter(user.rating.score == 99)
##            title rating
## 1 13 Reasons Why  TV-MA
## 2 13 Reasons Why  TV-MA
## 3 13 Reasons Why  TV-MA
## 4 13 Reasons Why  TV-MA
## 5 13 Reasons Why  TV-MA
## 6 13 Reasons Why  TV-MA
## 7 13 Reasons Why  TV-MA
## 8 13 Reasons Why  TV-MA
##                                                             ratingLevel
## 1 For mature audiences.  May not be suitable for children 17 and under.
## 2 For mature audiences.  May not be suitable for children 17 and under.
## 3 For mature audiences.  May not be suitable for children 17 and under.
## 4 For mature audiences.  May not be suitable for children 17 and under.
## 5 For mature audiences.  May not be suitable for children 17 and under.
## 6 For mature audiences.  May not be suitable for children 17 and under.
## 7 For mature audiences.  May not be suitable for children 17 and under.
## 8 For mature audiences.  May not be suitable for children 17 and under.
##   ratingDescription release.year user.rating.score user.rating.size
## 1               110         2017                99               80
## 2               110         2017                99               80
## 3               110         2017                99               80
## 4               110         2017                99               80
## 5               110         2017                99               80
## 6               110         2017                99               80
## 7               110         2017                99               80
## 8               110         2017                99               80
min(netflix$release.year, na.rm = T)
## [1] 1940
max(netflix$release.year, na.rm = T)
## [1] 2017
## 'data.frame':    1000 obs. of  7 variables:
##  $ title            : Factor w/ 496 levels "10 Things I Hate About You",..: 484 245 164 319 188 373 71 454 456 318 ...
##  $ rating           : Factor w/ 13 levels "G","NR","PG",..: 4 5 6 6 9 6 8 6 8 6 ...
##  $ ratingLevel      : Factor w/ 100 levels "","action and rude humor",..: 15 89 50 50 47 50 24 50 24 50 ...
##  $ ratingDescription: int  80 100 90 90 70 90 110 90 110 90 ...
##  $ release.year     : int  2004 2006 2016 2008 2014 2016 2013 2017 2015 2016 ...
##  $ user.rating.score: int  82 NA 98 98 94 95 97 91 98 96 ...
##  $ user.rating.size : int  80 82 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 ...
##                title         rating   
##  13 Reasons Why   :  8   TV-14  :234  
##  Girlboss         :  7   PG     :170  
##  Prison Break     :  7   TV-MA  :148  
##  Anastasia        :  6   G      :138  
##  Dinotrux         :  6   TV-Y   : 68  
##  Grace and Frankie:  6   TV-PG  : 59  
##  (Other)          :960   (Other):183  
##                                                                         ratingLevel 
##  Parents strongly cautioned. May be unsuitable for children ages 14 and under.:224  
##  General Audiences. Suitable for all ages.                                    :134  
##  Suitable for all ages.                                                       :120  
##  For mature audiences.  May not be suitable for children 17 and under.        :110  
##                                                                               : 59  
##  Parental guidance suggested. May not be suitable for all children.           : 54  
##  (Other)                                                                      :299  
##  ratingDescription  release.year  user.rating.score user.rating.size
##  Min.   : 10.00    Min.   :1940   Min.   :55.00     Min.   :80.00   
##  1st Qu.: 35.00    1st Qu.:2007   1st Qu.:75.00     1st Qu.:80.00   
##  Median : 60.00    Median :2015   Median :88.00     Median :80.00   
##  Mean   : 67.37    Mean   :2010   Mean   :84.09     Mean   :80.78   
##  3rd Qu.: 90.00    3rd Qu.:2016   3rd Qu.:95.00     3rd Qu.:82.00   
##  Max.   :124.00    Max.   :2017   Max.   :99.00     Max.   :82.00   
##                                   NA's   :395
ggplot(data=netflix, aes(x=release.year, y=user.rating.score)) +
## Warning: Removed 395 rows containing missing values (position_stack).

Note that the echo = FALSE parameter was added to the code chunk to prevent printing of the R code that generated the plot.