1. Various Graphics

This example covers basic graphics by using ggplot2. Quick plots, bar plots, dot charts, histograms, strip plots, scatter&line plots and box plots. There are defined functions to use when the graph should get more complicated.

  1. Consultants Chart

This is an example for creating a chart called “consultants’ chart” on ggplot2. This chart coud also be done by using Excel but it seems like conducting the analysis with ggplot2 is a way easier approach. With a few lines of codes, the chart is finalized.

  1. TwitteR Package

It is interesting to see how to retrive text from Twitter.

  1. Twitter Package

It is a well defined example to make social media analysis, using the packages TwitteR, tm, topicmodels, sentiment140 and igraph.

  1. Star Wars

This example is a simple analysis by R. It is about where the last movie of Star Wars stand between the 25 movies by worldwide grosses and the other Star Wars movies in the series. The data was taken from the Box Office web site.