Duygu Can’s Progress Journal

BDA 503 Fall 2017 - MEF University

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Duygu Can’s Progress Journal

Finals Week (Jan 10)

Here is my solutions to our final exam questions.

Finals Week (Jan 7)

In the last part o final exam, I studied gender diversity in academia. Here is the data I worked on. I also studied k-Means algorithm from Unsupervised Learning Course of DataCamp. I even raised my XP to 3790! .)

Week 6 (Dec 5)

As a requirement for HW3 I worked on “diamonds” data set in ggplot2. My main aim was to estimate the price based on other qualifications of this gem. You can see my work here.

Week 5 (Nov 27)

I followed Supervised Learning in R: Regression course from DataCamp. I completed “What is Regression?” and “Training and Evaluating Regression Models” succesfully with all of their exercises. I partially (38%) covered “Issues to Consider” chapter. I managed to I earned 3240 experince points in total! :)

Week 4 (Nov 11)

I am at the beginning of Lesson 3 on the Udacity course. Meanwhile, I’ve gone through Tidyverse Recap Exercise. I regenerated all the tasks except the last question of the Final Exercises (still working on it), with my own. You can find my solutions here. Notice that for some questions I added slight variations.

Week 3 (Oct 24)

  • The data set I am using is “School life expectancy, primary to tertiary by gender” obtained from UN. Here is my initial exploratory data analysis on it.
  • We decided on the groups. Our group name is unknown, yet. Other members are Meryem Kemerci, Cihan Tektunali and Murat Donmez.

Udacity Update

I finished Lesson 2 on the Udacity course. I did all the work required and all the quizes. But still this homework is beyond my current skills.

Week 2 (Oct 10)

  • Here is my 5 not so interesting R examples. Enjoy!