## Warning: package 'knitr' was built under R version 3.4.2
  1. Exploring Survival on the Titanic

    This example is important because it is an R Notebook on Titanic data set. Titanic is considered as one of the Data Science 101 data set and this notebook provides a good exploratory data analysis. It is also a Kaggle Kernel, which is a very good source for this kind of example R codes. The notebook also covers feature engineering, missing data imputation and modeling.

2.Using R for psychological research

This example incluedes more R function. At the same time, I am interested in psychological resarches and I will use psych r packages for R tutorial.

  1. Forecast Senate Elections

    In politics, forecasts play an important role. Politicans made a decision based on these forecasts.

  2. Twitter Analytics Using R Part

    This blog is related Twitter analitics. Connection to Twitter can made a text analitics for both companies and governments. This site show that how R connect to Twitter.

  3. Spatial Data Analysis with R

    This includes heat map analysis and We learn how to use a map with R.

  4. Example R code / analysis for housing data

This example includes regression with multiple variables and residual plots for normal assumptions