1.Even when there are so many online resources and cannot feel comfortable without a print book while learning, R Cookbook will be helpful for R beginners.

R Cookbook- A quick and simple introduction to conducting many common statistical tasks with R

2.Forecasting helps us make better decisions at the current situations. It does not matter if the decision maker is in different areas. Time series is one of the forecasting methods.

It is a sequence of well -defined data points measured at consistent time intervals over a period of the time. Data collected on an ad-hoc basis or irregularly does not form a time series. Time series analysis is the use of statistical methods to analyze time series data and extract meaningful statistics and characteristics about the data. Time series analysis helps us understand what are the underlying forces leading to a particular trend in the time series data points and helps us forecasting and monitoring the data points by fitting appropriate models to it. (What is time series analysis? Retrieved from researchoptimus.com/article/what-is-time-series-analysis.php)

You can watch the video explaining time series methods and shows practices. It is in Turkish:) You can also find the codes that were used in the video.

Video:Zaman Serilerinde Öngörü Yapma
The Related Codes of the Prediction on Time Series Data

3.Numbers cannot tell the story by their own. Visualization helps people to understand and the complex data. Moreover, it helps to see the analysis from different perspectives & find the insight. That’s why data visualization is one of the important part of data science.

7 visualization you should learn in r explains how to create the most used charts for beginners.

Top50 Ggplot2 Visualizations MasterList R Code shows all graphic types.

7 Visualization You Should Learn in R

Top50 Ggplot2 Visualizations MasterList R Code

4.Data cleaning process helps us minimize errors and misleading analysis in data science. We all know Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) slang expression. Data cleaning process is time consuming and sometimes we cannot estimate how much time it will take. Therefore, it is very helpful to know cleaning the data well. You can take the tutorial of cleaning data in r from data camp and find the data cleaning example on r-bloggers.

Cleaning Data in R

A Data Cleaning Example

5.It is wise to know what you do not know. Therefore it is nice to test our progress about our R skills. 40 questions to test your skill on R for Data Science


Observing and analyzing human behavior make me excited. I like reading analyses, insights about music consumption. You can find the analyses about music choices from Insights Spotify & the ad-hoc project about music history analysis.

Spotify Insights

Using last.fm to Data Mine My Music Listening History