fiRst Project Journal
Group Members
Project Proposal
We obtained electricty cuts data in Turkey between 2012 and 2018 from the Energy Transparency Platform. Data contain 51568 rows and 7 variables. Variables are as follows:
Santral İsmi: Name of the power plant.
Uzlaştırmaya Esas Veriş Çekiş Birimi (UEVÇB): Registered energy supplier name.
Olay başlangıç tarihi: Start date time of the cut.
Olay bitiş tarihi: End date/time of the cut.
İşletmedeki kurulu güç: Total power at the plant.
Olay sırasındaki kapasite: Capacity at the time of incident
Gerekçe: Reason of the cut
Learning Objectives
- Cleaning dirty data and doing text mining in order to extract insights.
- Visualizing data according to different variables.
- Visualizing geographical data over the map.
Analysis Objectives
- Finding longest and shortest cuts and visualizing them.
- Visualizing cuts at the power plants according to city and duration.
- Finding top reasons of electricity cuts with tidy text mining.
- Analyzing cuts vis-a-vis to capacity and total power at the power plant.
Our updated analysis can be found here.