
In this analysis,

- International dataset from Kaggle,

- Different packages(leaflet,map,dygraphs,plotly and GGally) for effective visualizations,

- Joined different World Bank’s datasets like GDP per capita, Health Expenditures of GDP%, Education Expenditures of GDP% with international dataset to understand variables effect deeply,

- This analysis can be collected as four titles which are:

+ Population Density of Past, Now and Future

+ Life Expectancy

+ Infant Mortality

+ Correlation between life expectancy, infant mortality, GDP per capita, health expenditures and education expenditures.

Population Density of Past, Now and Future

* Population Density in 1950

* Population Density in 2017

* Population Density in 2050

Average Life Expectancy by Years

* Life Expectancy in Turkey (Male/Female/Both)

Average Infant Mortality by Years

* Infant Mortality Rates in Turkey (Male/Female/Both)

Life Expectancy VS GDP, Health & Education Expenditures

Life Expectancy versus GDP Per Capita

Life Expectancy versus Health Expenditures of GDP%

Life Expectancy versus Education Expenditures of %GDP

Correlation between variables

Correlation Matrix

##                  life_expectancy infant_mortality        gdp       h_ex
## life_expectancy        1.0000000       -0.9232561  0.6667292  0.3860973
## infant_mortality      -0.9232561        1.0000000 -0.5716238 -0.3300420
## gdp                    0.6667292       -0.5716238  1.0000000  0.4922450
## h_ex                   0.3860973       -0.3300420  0.4922450  1.0000000
## edu_ex                 0.2545437       -0.3408828  0.3371695  0.4223333
##                      edu_ex
## life_expectancy   0.2545437
## infant_mortality -0.3408828
## gdp               0.3371695
## h_ex              0.4223333
## edu_ex            1.0000000

Correlation Visualisation


- Life Expectancy and Infant Mortality has correlation -0.9, we see when the infant mortality rate decreases, the life expectacy increases.

- Life Expectancy and GDP has 0.6 correlation when there is 0.4 correlation with Health Expenditures and 03. correlation with Education Expenditures. So we can conclude that GDP has more effect on Life Expectancy rather than Health and Education Expenditures.

- Infant Mortality has -0.6 correlation with GDP, -0.3 correlation with Health Expenditures and Education Expenditures, so we can conclude that GDP has more effect on decreasing the infant mortality.