Peer Review of Group Project Proposal Phase

Group name:


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Data description:

Dataset that is available in Kaggle includes countries life expectancy rates by categories. The United States Census Bureau’s International Dataset provides estimates of countries life expectancies. The dataset contains 228 countries’ life expectancy over the years between 1979 and 2050. It includes 15,106 rows and 15 columns. Numerical information in dataset such as; infant mortality, life expectancy mortality rate under 5 and mortality rate 1 to 4 are categorized into country, year and gender. Quality of the data: Dataset is appropriate for exploratory analysis as; - The source data is open in Kaggle and a data dictionary is available, - There is mainly numerical information in dataset (such as; infant mortality, life expectancy mortality rates) It is seen that an overview of the data has been specified, however it is needed to be explained in more detail to predict what kind of implication that can be deduced. Although it is stated that “more effort will be put on Turkey section”; it is not clearly determined that if the analyzes will be done over all the data or only through Turkey data or both on a comparative basis. It is stated that the data consists of 15 thousand lines, but the share of the Turkish data is not determined. In terms of providing information and ideas to the reader about data; a glimpse or a summary of the dataset could be included in the proposal. On the other hand, as the data contains only life expectancy mortality rate under and 0-4 years, we think that the data may not be suitable for multidimensional analysis.


In objectives part of the proposal, main aim of the project is stated in general but no detailed aim is stated. For example, “Finding correlation between variables” is more general. This can be specified in detail like; “if there is a correlation between infant mortality and birth rates will be checked” etc.


• Life expectancy can vary greatly depending on the selected grid to calculate. For example, the life expectancy in a country where high child mortality is experienced is very sensitive in the first few years of life. Therefore, the estimated life expectancy calculated after 5 years can be used. This criterion facilitates the examination of effects outside of child mortality.

• It can be prepared to compare life expectancy between countries, or to measure changes over time. Also, Turkey can be compared with a different country with a similar level of development. Citizens of wealthier countries have access to modern medicine and medical facilities, the leisure to exercise, and meticulous regulation of sanitation and drinking water. Their life expectancies, therefore, naturally should be higher than those of less developed countries.

Good point: 

A description about steps of analysis is included. We liked adding a dropdown list for selecting; - download of .rmd file, - show and hide the codes

Minimal Working Report Peer Review

  1. Submission is not reproducible
  2. References is poor.(what is your reference for leaflet package and your map visualizations?)
  3. There is almost no explanation for graphs and no conclusion part.
  4. Dataset and its fields are explained enough but data cleaning part is missing.
  5. You provided very good R codes but Rmarkdown output is not desirable. (especially in library loads.) Maybe you can use chunk options like echo, eval,hide vs.