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Group Projects

Group projects are the most important part of this course. Each group should get raw data from a source, make the tidy data available and present an analysis as a show of their skills acheived at this course.

Choose one the following topics and email to your instructor by Friday (Nov 5, 2021)


See project guidelines.

Proposal 1 - Foreign Trade Statistics - Vehicle and Trailer Tracking

Prepare an analysis of international vehicle and trailer movement from and to Turkey. Using monthly data from EVDS (Turkish Central Bank’s data system), you will have export and import movements from and to countries as well as the empty trucks. There are six data sources listed below (first one is linked).

You may choose to combine the data with other sources as well.

Proposal 2 - Turkish Natural Gas Market

Natural gas exchange is one of EPIAS’ largest ventures in the recent years. Prior to that there was no significant organized market and most of the agreements were bilateral. Using data from the Transparency Platform, give us an analysis of Turkish Natural Gas market. You can find some example data sources below (first item is linked).

You can use all data under Natural Gas Markets category and make it richer with extra data source.

Proposal 3 - Tourism Statistics

Another EVDS dataset is about tourism statistics. Provide a detailed analysis of development of tourism in time using the datasets below (first one is linked).

You can combine this data with external datasets to increase the quality of your analysis.

Proposal 4 - Stackoverflow Insights - Survey

Gather respondent data from Stackoverflow Survey for the last five years (2017-2021) and extract responses from Turkey. Provide a deep dive analysis of the developer responses and show how trends change in years.

You can enhance your analysis with global perspective and benchmarking with other countries as well.

Proposal 5 - PISA Scores

Compare 2015 and 2018 PISA scores of math, science and reading for Turkey and benchmark it with other countries. Also provide breakdowns with gender. Use PISA data explorer to export required data. Tidy it and make it available with a link as well. You are welcome to enhance your analysis with other criteria and variables as well.