This document contains documentation and guidelines about the final project of BDA 503. You are expected to perform analysis with R on a real data set about Turkey and present your findings on your Group Progress Journals using RMarkdown and possibly Shiny. At the end of the group project you are expected to prepare a full report about your data and do a 15-minute presentation in class.
Phases and Deadlines
- Project Proposal (Done)
- A summary of the data and explanations (Nov 28 - Dec 3)
- Exploratory Data Analysis (Dec 12 - Dec 17)
- Final Project and Presentation (Dec 26)
Final deadline is very strict due to it being the last lecture.
Important Points
- You can use any tool that is taught within the course or outside the course to enhance the “storytelling”. You are required to use RMarkdown HTML outputs at least to show your work on the GPJ. It means you are not confined to dplyr+ggplot2. You can use data.table + dygraphs if you like. Though you should not expect any more bonus than a pat on the shoulder for your extra effort except you do something really amazing with R.
- Nevertheless, proper use of Shiny is subject to bonus up to 15%. Though you should also make it very easy for the others to run your app via
- Styling and coherence of your GPJ and analysis is also important. You should prepare your analyses as you are preparing for the board. Minimal typos, neat structure and no long running data output in your final reports. Styling is 35%. Good styling is up to 15% bonus. Bad styling can affect your grade by -20% regardless of the content.
- Please also put a PDF version of your final analysis on your GPJ.
- Put your names, title of the project, and a brief description on the main page of the GPJ. A good example is
- State your phases in different links. Make it very easy for the user to navigate your GPJ. User experience matters.
- There are two deadlines on each phase except the final phase. Those are lecture hours for feedback (voluntary) and latest submission deadlines. Try to stick to first deadline so in any case you will have some slack to reevaluate.
- Contribution sheet: At the final phase you should include a table about who did which parts of the project. Since group size is large, we should be fair about the division of labor. By the way, large groups are expected to put more work in GPJs than small groups.
- Ethics rule: Good artists copy, best artists steal. Nevertheless, if you copy some code or idea from somewhere, please indicate the source explicitly with a direct link. It is never embarassing to adapt a good idea to a new use and tell about your source. Though, it is quite embarassing to be exposed. Referencing is encouraged, up to 10% bonus for good references.
- As always in the classroom,
- There will be addition to this guidelines for the presentation.
Grading Weights
- Project Proposal (%5)
- A summary of the data and explanations (%10)
- Exploratory Data Analysis (%35)
- Final Project and Presentation (%50)