Last lecture hours (Dec. 19) are reserved for project presentations. It will start at 19:00. We are going to have a guest speaker also and we will begin with the guest speaker’s presentation. There will be “jury”. Tentative program is as follows
- 19:00 - 19:30 Guest Speaker Presentation
- 19:30 - 19:40 Break
- 19:40 - 19:50 Project Presentation: datING
- 19:50 - 20:00 Project Presentation: R_Junkies
- 20:00 - 20:10 Project Presentation: dataMunglers
- 20:10 - 20:20 Project Presentation: 2yaka
- 20:20 - 20:30 Break
- 20:30 - 20:40 Project Presentation: cleveR
- 20:40 - 20:50 Project Presentation: Explorers
- 20:50 - 21:00 Project Presentation: Error
- 21:00 - 21:10 Project Presentation: NYC
Presentation Rules
- You will have about 8 minutes to present and 2 minutes take questions. Due to tight schedule please adhere to time constraints and prepare accordingly.
- Your presentation should include project name, team name, names-surnames of the members and MEF BDA 503 Fall 17 attribution on the cover slide.
- You should upload the presentation to your progress journals before the presentation.
- Your presentation should include a link to your full report. You should mention it in your presentations.
- Your presentation file might be in html5, ppt/pptx and other suitable formats. Rmarkdown based presentation are welcome and recommended (but not required).
- Recommended workflow is a brief summary of the work, introduction of data, significant visualizations, key findings and conclusion.
- Take 2-3 minutes to describe your data and its significant aspects.
- You can also mention which different packages (other than dplyr, rmarkdown, ggplot or tidyverse packages) for others to learn about those packages.
- Recommended length of presentations is about 8-12 slides everything included.
- Do not clutter slides with text.
- Do not put unreadable and tiny plots on slides or too many plots in one slide.
- Do not wallow in detail. Find 2-3 interesting results and communicate them clearly.